Monday, 31 December 2012

First small steps into Blogging

hello this is my first post on my blog. My name is tom and i have a small youtube channel, i use that channel to showcase my love of Wargaming. Especially in the smaller scales mainly 15mm WW2 such as flames of war. However i also do 6mm WW2 and even some 28mm WW2. As you can see i have a love of the Second world war. I do what to get into a small sci-fi game called Dropzone Commander as the miniatures look to be of a very high quality. i hope that you follow my blog and i hope to encourage you to create one yourself.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging Dam.

  2. And, you may consider placing the follower widget to make it easier for people to subscribe to your posts. I'll be your first subscriber or I'll be a GunBeryl's Uncle!
